
Cities and villages of happiness

Some places in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany have their own official Hap Spots.

The inhabitants have nominated their personal Hap Spots and want to share them with you. At each spot you get at least three positive interventions that might increase your happiness. The spots have a logo and extra information. You find them in attractive leaflets as well. Go and discover them!

  • Hasselt (B). More than 300 inhabitants of this small town have nominated 179 different Hap Spots. The Embassy of Happiness has selected 25 surprising places. Get the leaflet (with more than 100 positive interventions) at the Tourist Office: www.hasselt.be
  • Roerdalen (NL). Inhabitants of these six small villages in Limburg have nominated more than 200 spots. 25 of them have now a special logo and more information. Get the leaflet (with more than 100 positive interventions) at the Tourists Offices (VVV) and discover all the happiness of Roerdalen. www.roerdalen.nl
  • Wassenberg (D). The cosy German neighbour of Roerdalen has followed the path. Discover the Hap Spots in the city and look for the happiness birds in the city park. www.wassenberg.de
  • Eindhoven (NL). Parktheater Eindhoven and students of The Fontys High School asked inhabitants for their happiness spots. The result is a fine selection of 25 surprising Hap Spots in Eindhoven. Find them in the colourful brochure. More information: www.gelukvooreindhoven.nl
  • Schagen (NL). The inhabitants nominated Hap Spots in each part of this large community. Discover them!
  • Tilburg (NL). Selection of the Hap Spots is going on now. They will be presented in 2024.

Places of happiness

In these cities or towns, you can find already one Hap Spot. For the moment you can’t recognize them from a logo. Just go and discover them. Do at least one action-tip to make it a real experience. Curious to know your reactions and new suggestions.

The project is in its start-up phase. In Belgium and The Netherlands (and on the Dutch part of this site) you can already find more than 25 places. Soon more will appear online, in English as well. Places from all over the world.